Bwrdd "Croeso i goloneiddio"

Mae fy nghyd-weithiwr yn byw yn Lloegr, mae hi'n enedigol o Sir Fon. Heddiw ma, fe dderbyniodd hi lythyr gan Fwrdd Croeso Cymru. Dyma sut mae'n cychwyn...

"Dear ...

Come and add to our history

Over the centuries, people who've come to Wales have often left something behind. Ususally something with stone turrets, towers and a hefty drawbridge. Bring your family and a bucket and spade and you can do it too, if only in the sand. (We've even sent you a flag to stick it on top.)[mae fflag bach, o-mor-ciwt, wedi ei lynu i'r llythyr]

Sand is something we've got plenty of - miles and miles of it, in fact, wahsed by some of the cleanest seawater in the UK. And with hunreds of castles scattered here there and everywhere, we've got the inspiration too.


Felly dowch aton ni i "ychwanegu at ein hanes" drwy beidio a dysgu dim byd am Gymru go iawn ac ymdrabaeddu yn eich colonialaeth, dathlu gorthrwm ein cyndeidiau dewr a'n gwthio ni'n bellach i'n bedd.

"People who have come to Wales have often left something behind", atgof clir a chyson o be sydd wedi digwydd i ni, a beth na ddylien ni adael i ddigwydd eto.

Os taw dyma'r math o ddelwedd o Gymru mae'r Bwrdd yma'n ei wthio, dim rhyfedd nad oes gan unrhyw un sy'n dod yma ddealltwriaeth na pharch tuag at unrhywbeth Cymreig. Son am fod yn daeog. Wancars.


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