"Good Morning, how are you? SHUT UP!"
Dwi wedi cael copi o CD Ivor Cutler gan ffrind i fi ac wedi bod yn piso chwerthin ar rai o'r caneuon bizarre a swreal sydd ganddo. Mae fel Vic Reeves folky gyda banjo a phiano.
Ewch draw i The Works of Ivor Cutler, gwrandewch a mwynhewch ei rwtsh pur.
Pwy yw Ivor?
``Ivor Cutler is a Glaswegian whose humour is surreal, to say the least. He is a master of anecdotes, monologues, comic songs and poems, commentaries on the more neglected aspects of everyday life, and just sheer nonsense. But very often, if one looks beyond the nonsense facade, there seems to be a glint of a message in it all - whether or not he intended it to be, we will never know.'' -- DA Eger
Dwi wedi cael copi o CD Ivor Cutler gan ffrind i fi ac wedi bod yn piso chwerthin ar rai o'r caneuon bizarre a swreal sydd ganddo. Mae fel Vic Reeves folky gyda banjo a phiano.
Ewch draw i The Works of Ivor Cutler, gwrandewch a mwynhewch ei rwtsh pur.
Pwy yw Ivor?
``Ivor Cutler is a Glaswegian whose humour is surreal, to say the least. He is a master of anecdotes, monologues, comic songs and poems, commentaries on the more neglected aspects of everyday life, and just sheer nonsense. But very often, if one looks beyond the nonsense facade, there seems to be a glint of a message in it all - whether or not he intended it to be, we will never know.'' -- DA Eger